Please review the following guidelines for Fraxel treatment. Feel free to call if you have any questions or concerns regarding your procedure.

1. Your practitioner may prescribe a bleaching cream and a retinoid combination to precondition your skin two to six weeks prior to treatment. This will speed and improve your healing process

2. No chemical peels, enzyme exfoliations, scrubs, or microdermabrasion procedures within four weeks of your

3. Stop retinoids or any other products that cause redness and irritation five days prior to your

4. No sun exposure four to six weeks prior to treatment. This is defined as any outdoor exposure that may change the color of your skin, either red or tan despite the use of proper sunblock. Sun exposure within this time frame can cause permanent skin discoloration problems. Your practitioner may cancel your treatment if you have had sun exposure in order to avoid problems with your recovery and overall

5. If you have cystic acne or other active skin conditions or infections on the day of your treatment, if may be postponed until the condition

6. Please inform your practitioner if you have a history of cold sores of fever blisters. If you do, an antiviral medication will be prescribed to decrease the possibility of a breakout after your

7. You have the option to either purchase a topical anesthetic and apply at home one hour prior to treatment or to have a stronger topical anesthetic applied in the office one hour before your treatment. If you opt for applying the topical anesthetic at home, separate instructions will be given to you on how to apply it properly. If you opt for topical to be applied in the office, please note we may ask if you mind being in the waiting room while the numbing is taking effect as we cannot always guarantee that your treatment room will be available to sit in prior to treatment.

Please do not hesitate to call our office at 855.383.7546 if you have any questions or concerns about your treatments.